
5 Steps to write pedagogical and financial reports for schools?

Assessing and optimizing resources in an online school, training center, or website hosting course is crucial for ensuring long-term success. The pedagogical and financial report is one of the most powerful tools to achieve this objective. This comprehensive analysis measures the effectiveness of pedagogical actions, evaluates the achieved results, and optimizes the utilization of financial resources. As a reminder, the pedagogical and financial report is a document that educational institutions, trainers, coaches, therapists, etc., must submit annually to their funding entities (such as OPCOs, Pôle Emploi, etc.). It accounts for the training activities and their financial management in the preceding year, detailing information about conducted courses, trained participants, expenditures, and revenues related to training initiatives.

The importance of the activity declaration number

Within the pedagogical and financial report (PFR), the Activity Declaration Number (ADN) holds significant importance. It’s a unique identification number assigned to every training organization in France. This number is issued by the Regional Directorate for Enterprises, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labor, and Employment (DIRECCTE), verifying that the organization complies with legal obligations to provide professional training.

The importance of Qualiopi certification

Obtaining Qualiopi certification depends on the implementation of a quality approach within your training organization. This quality approach must cover different aspects, such as the design of training, the quality of trainers, teaching methods, the reception of trainees, etc. During the assessment for obtaining certification, the auditors examine the compliance of your training organization with the Qualiopi criteria. Once you have obtained the ministerial label, you can, if you have also obtained an activity declaration number (NDA) from DIRRECTE, also obtain the “Qualiopi” certification and thus benefit from professional training funds. When writing the BPF, you must provide information on the actions put in place to ensure the quality of your training. Thus, the elements of the quality approach implemented for Qualiopi certification can be reflected in the BPF. Note that Qualiopi certified training courses are eligible for the CPF (Personal Training Account), which means that learners can choose quality, recognized and financeable training courses. They can thus use their CPF to access training that meets their specific needs to develop skills that meet the requirements of the world of work. They sign a contract electronically, online via the CPF website and can benefit from the training they choose from home or in person. We advise you to take all these steps when creating your training organization for greater clarity and credibility.

Data collection

DThe initial crucial step involves gathering all pertinent data concerning training or teaching activities. These encompass details about programs, courses, instructors, learners, associated costs, utilized resources, etc. Data can originate from various sources like learning management systems, financial records, and participant feedback. This comprehensive assessment sets the stage for subsequent actions.

Analysis of results

Once the data is collected, it's time to analyze the outcomes. It involves assessing pedagogical effectiveness by examining success rates, learner performance, participant feedback, and satisfaction. Financially is very important to analyze the costs associated with each action, the investments made, and the income generated. This self-assessment is pivotal for charting the subsequent course of action.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Analyzing the outcomes helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each training or teaching action. Which programs perform the best? What teaching methods are most effective? Which resources receive the highest praise? This crucial step allows for understanding what works well and what areas need improvement.

Improvement targets

Once you identified the strengths and weaknesses, it's time to set improvement targets. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART criteria). They can focus on various aspects such as adjusting teaching methods, optimizing financial resources, implementing additional training, etc.

Action plan

The final step involves crafting a concrete action plan to achieve the improvement objectives. This plan should outline the necessary steps, responsibilities, deadlines, and required resources. Monitoring indicators is essential to measure progress and the attainment of set goals.

Impact on employees and recruitment

An effective pedagogical and financial report can significantly influence your company's employees. By identifying top-performing training programs and effective teaching methods, you can offer high-quality learning opportunities to your staff, fostering their professional development, motivation, and commitment within the organization. Moreover, a robust pedagogical and financial report can positively impact recruitment efforts. Highlighting quality training programs and tangible results enhances your attractiveness to potential candidates. Candidates are more inclined to join a company that invests in employee development and values continuous learning.


the future of training finally in your hands

In conclusion, an effective pedagogical and financial report serves as a powerful tool to optimize the resources of your educational or training institution. By following these steps, you can enhance the quality of education provided, maximize financial resource utilization, and contribute to the long-term success of your organization. For employee development, attracting new talent, or continuous improvement, it is essential to integrate the process into your overall strategy. It is mandatory in France, but it undoubtedly aids in growing your business. We invite you to explore our article: "Pedagogical and Financial Report: How to Optimize Your Institution's Resources?" Need assistance in declaring your training activities? Our all-in-one platform, Metaforma, offers a BPF Guide to assist you in this online process. Try it out now and enjoy our full range of services and features for free for 14 days!